Re: [CH] Chili Beer

=Mark (
Sat, 13 Feb 1999 17:18:44 -0500

At 05:04 PM 2/13/99 EST, you wrote:
>Just wondering if anyone has had the Chili beer? I forgot the name and wouild
>like to find it again.
>It was great.. Had a green chili in each bottle of beer and had a bit off a
>kick to it.
>I would actually add more chili pepper to it and WOW. Was it great.
>If you know the name by chance please let me know.

The brand I've had was called Cave Creek.  I'll have to admit I was less
than impressed.  For one thing it had sort of a grassy taste of a green
unripe jalapeno, and in general it just seemed to be contrary to the
concept of what beer is all about.  Give me heat from any other source and
a non-hot beer to refresh me!

                    =Mark "Runs With Scissors" Stevens

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