Honey Bees was: Re: [CH] No Heat Habs

Steve (snearman@erols.com)
Sun, 14 Feb 1999 14:55:03 -0500

>Did you know that bees prefer to work all the flowers of a single type
>before >moving on to another species? Bees will fly over three miles when

Honey bee foraging is normally within a 2 mile range.  They work the "honey
flow", that is to say they collect nectar and pollen from what ever plant
is in abundance and producing the most at any given time. As a colony they
will work many different plants at the same time during especially during
non peak flow. However, individual bees will not collect from different
plants on the same flight. They will collect from different varieties of
the same plant if close together and flowering at the same time. Also they
do not mix the different nectars, but keep them in different cells and
group the same nectar cells together within the hive.

>Here's a dumb question:  Does pollen from a chile flower carry capsaicin?
>So...does honey produced after a day of foraging the habanero flowers
>carry any heat?

No capsaicin in pollen or nectar :-(


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