Bob Batson (bob@sky.net)
Sat, 27 Feb 1999 15:34:19 -0600 (CST)

For those who can run DOS programs on your computer, you can use the
GRIN database and not have to access the GRIN website at
www.ars-grin/npgs/searchgrin.html   This is done by installing a DOS
program called pcGRIN, a stand-alone version of the GRIN database that
contains data for individual crops. You'll also need to install the
self-extracting archive SOFT.EXE in the same directory containing the
crop information (in this case, it's called PEPPERS.ZIP). BTW, if you
have a previous version of pcGRIN installed (pre Oct., 1998) you should
remove it and any datasets and install new software and crop datasets.


 pcGRIN was developed for an IBM-compatible PC-DOS environment and
 requires a 386 or better (486 or better recommended) computer capable
 of running DOS programs with 640 K RAM minimum and a hard drive large
 enough to hold the desired crops. Smaller crops require 10 Mb, larger
 crops like WHEAT or SOYBEAN can require 80 Mb or more of disk space.
 The files on the web site are compressed so you can estimate at least
 a 5X increase after installation. pcGRIN has been tested in the
 MS-DOS, PC-DOS, Microsoft Windows (3.1, 95, NT using the DOS prompt),
 and OS/2 operating systems. The pcGRIN user guide lists tips for
 running under Windows and OS/2 operating systems.


 In this version of pcGRIN the software and crop datasets are installed
 separately. You need to install a copy of the query software and then
 whatever crops you are interested in. 

User Guide

 The user guide is available online or you can download a copy and
 browse it locally on your PC. 

 If you wish to download the user guide and browse it locally on your
 PC then download manual.exe . This file is a self-extracting zip file,
 extract it by typing its name at a DOS prompt or executing the file
 through the run file command in windows. Once extracted the
 documentation can be viewed by pointing your web browser to the file

                           pcGRIN Installation

pcGRIN is a stand-alone version of GRIN that contains data for
individual crops. You can download data from the GRIN database to your
local PC and then search those crops offline.

 1. Create a PCGRIN directory on your PC's disk (e.g. C:\PCGRIN). If
    you need instructions on how to create a PCGRIN directory click
    here . All of the following downloads should be put in this
    PCGRIN directory on your PC.
 2. Download the pcGRIN SOFTWARE to your PCGRIN directory
 3. Download one or more pcGRIN CROP datasets to your PCGRIN directory

                Trouble downloading via HTTP? Try FTP
 4. When the software and all desired crops have been downloaded to
    your PCGRIN directory you need to extract the compressed files.
    Open a DOS window or exit to a DOS prompt (if you need help
    opening a DOS window click here). Attach to your PCGRIN directory
    and type
    SOFT to extract the query software
    when that extraction completes type
    INSTALL to install the crop datasets

After the INSTALL step you should be able to start any of the crops
you downloaded by typing the crop name (e.g. PEPPERS) in your PCGRIN

If you want to download additional crops later, simply download them
using the link above to your PCGRIN directory and then type INSTALL

Each crop is started using a crop.BAT file (e.g. PEPPERS.BAT). If you
wish to create shortcuts or icons in Windows or OS/2, create them
using the .BAT files.

Opening a DOS Window

   * Windows 3.1 - the MS-DOS prompt icon is normally in the Main
     group, open the Main group and click the icon. Alternatively you
     can exit Windows to a DOS prompt.
   * Windows 95/98/NT - the MS-DOS icon is normally accessible via the
     START button and then the Programs option. Select the MS-DOS
     Command Prompt icon. Alternatively in Windows 95/98 you can reboot
     to a DOS prompt.
   * OS/2 - the DOS Window is normally found in the Command Prompts
     folder in the System Folder.

Creating the PCGRIN directory

 If you are using a Windows or OS/2 operating system, open a DOS window
 as described above. At the DOS prompt
   * select the disk drive you wish to install pcGRIN on e.g. if drive
     C, type C: (if drive D, type D: etc.)
   * go to the root of the drive by typing cd \
   * create the pcGRIN directory by typing mkdir PCGRIN

Running pcGRIN

 To run pcGRIN at the DOS prompt you need to first open a DOS window
 (see above) if you are using a Windows or OS/2 operating system. At
 the DOS prompt
   * attach to your PCGRIN directory (replace the C: with the drive you
     installed pcGRIN to if it was not the C: drive) by typing C:
   * attach to the root directory by typing cd \
   * followed by cd PCGRIN
   * run the desired crop by typing its name, e.g. to run the Capsicum
     or peppers dataset type PEPPERS.

You can find the necessary files (PEPPERS.ZIP) at
ftp://sun.ars-grin.gov/pub/pcgrin The file SOFT.EXE is in the directory
soft/ directly below the pcgrin directory and the file MANUAL.EXE is in
the directory manual/ also directly below the pcgrin directory

For further info on pcGRIN or to obtain a pcGRIN diskette[s], requests
can be sent to the following:

    The Database Manager
    GRIN DataBase Management Unit (DBMU)
    Building 003, Room 003
    Beltsville, MD  20705-2350

You MIGHT get a reply from dbmu@ars-grin.gov

Bob Batson                              L 39 12 14 N  94 33 16 W
bob@sky.net                             Kansas City
TCS - Mystic Fire Priest                USDA zone 5b
Under the most controlled conditions, the experimental apparatus will
do exactly as it pleases.