Byron, You're right. The term we use now is Growing Degree Days (GDD). For warm season plants the formula is: {(High Temp + Low Temp) divided by two} minus 55 degrees F = heat units (GDD) If you know the GDD requirements for a species of plant, you can calculate the time the plant should be reaching physiological maturity. Nels in ND > >As far as weather goes. About 20 years ago I was talking to an older County >Agent from Coos County NH; Zone 3A. He said he felt that plants also >react to "Heating Degree Days", the same factor as used in calculating home >heating fuels. > The closest thing I have seen to his statement is "Days to Maturity >depends on growing conditions" > >>From a few miles north of you >Where spring has sprung and leaking out all over the place. > >Byron > > > >