Hi C-H's, [Sorry - most of this is not directly chile related.] In a funny sort of way I quite like the mildly rancorous (if that's not an oxymoron) exchanges such as the present one involving recipe posting. The reason is, that it illustrates clearly how many people value this list highly, otherwise they would not go to the bother of trying to make minor course corrections. Chuck is one of those people. He and I have been on this list for many years now and while I do not always agree with him (or he with me for that matter) he still remains one of my C-H cyberchums whose opinions I value. Somebody also commented that it was not up to an individual subscriber to comment upon the postings of others and that that should be left to the list owner, but I think that he/she missed an important point. This list belongs to all of us. The occasional mild rebuke and considered replies keeps it going the way it has for a long time. Our list owner, IMO wisely, stays very much out of sight as far as regulating list content is concerned. It always strikes me as remarkable that such a large number of people, scattered all over the world, can be united and polite on the range of topics we discuss. It confounds the critics of internet discussion who maintain that such a thing is impossible. Makes me proud to be one of you, and as a result I'm afraid, over-defensive of our Sacred List! This is why sometimes we (Hi Peter!) beg you not to duplicate text or post untried recipes. Nearly perfect is good enough for me. Chile-on dudes. {Switching off "Cardinal" mode.} Regards, Cameron.