[CH] Baby unwanted by mother.....

Sun, 28 Mar 1999 08:06:41 EST

I'm trying to figure out a way to get the mother accept her newborn kid - she
had twins and only one survived, a nice little doe.  The mother seems to want
to push her away and let her nurse.  I found the little one this morning (
born last night ), she was clean and dry.  The mother walks off but looks back
and calls for the little one but when we hold the mother to let the baby nurse
she wants no part of it .   The little seems perfectly healthy - no apparent
problems.  I've heard that you can get some of the mother's milk and rub it
all over the baby and she might accept it . Has anyone ever tryed this ??  I
already have a 4 day old that we're having to bottle feed from another
situation that the mother rejected one of a set of twins - I'd rather the the
mother feed than the baby than us.  Can anyone give me some advise as to the
best way to approach this situation?  I will make sure the little doe gets the
mother's first milk regardless.

Thanks ya'll

Steve - SC