[CH] What Kind of Pepper Is It?

RST G (synapse7@home.com)
Fri, 09 Apr 1999 12:56:00 -0400

I have a jar of dried peppers that I bought at a chinese supermarket a
long time ago. They still have heat in them, enough to make Peking
Noodles spicy, that is for sure. What I wanted to know is...what kind of
pepper is it? It is kind of small, not as small as a thai bird chile or
a pequin and it is kind of long, about 2 inches in length. or slightly
less. Is it a thai dragon? I thought they were longer. Just curious if
anyone knows. 

I wanted to know so I could label the jar and the jar of ground chile.

BTW, they are red in color. Kind of thin too.
