[CH] Plant a Pepper Plant for Peace

Rosemary Basil (rosemarybasil@yahoo.com)
Fri, 9 Apr 1999 14:39:23 -0700 (PDT)

Some folks here have been asking me what I've been up
to cos I've been fairly quiet on CH this week. I have
been soooo busy in the garden and on the web in other
capacities, barely able to keep up with my own 
PEPPERS list and garden clubs.
I wanted to post this earlier but saw Mike's post re:
off topic posts and didn't want to rock the boat. Yet
the more I thought about it I could see a connection
to my gardening and why I do it. Gardening is about
love, life and growth in a world that's often too full
of hate, death and destruction. To plant a garden is
to believe in tomorrow. 
At the risk of violating the rules here I want to
sneak in a plug for my newest webpage because I feel
all of us here should be thankful for our freedoms--
especially freedom of speech--which I will exercise
now. No need to tie up the list with a discussion,
feel free to email me private if you like.

As I put my young pepper plants out for their first
outdoor overnights this week, the tv is blasting war
atrocities far away from my garden. The contrast
between the life of my young plants and the death and
destruction I see on tv hits me hard. How many of
these people being driven from their homes in
Yugoslavia are being forced to abandon their gardens
or see them burned to the ground?
Even tho my life is far from ideallic, I count my
blessings. My rockabilly singer daughter, Josie
Kreuzer, had her picture in BILLBOARD Apr 3. A small
interview but a front page story in a big music rag.
I'm proud of her and happy she is safe, not in danger.
Likewise, some other mothers are proud of their
children for protecting freedom around the world.
Lately my thoughts and prayers go to  the families who
lie waiting for the safe return of 3 soldiers-
Christopher Stone, Andrew Ramirez, and Steven
Gonzalez- held prisoner in Yugoslavia.
There was a false hope midweek. Now it looks grim they
may not be returned before the end of the conflict.
They are POWs in a strange violent land.
It made me happy to hear just now on CNN that the
families are receiving the messages we send via the
internet and it makes them feel better somehow.
Please visit my page called Tie a Yellow Ribbon
 Send an email to the families, sign the message board
and guestbook, show your support- not just for the 3
families of these soldiers but for all those who put
themselves in harms way for human rights. Bookmark and
share it with friends.
Then if you want to take your mind back to the garden,
back to LIFE not DEATH, see what I'm growing on

and read my garden journal on the front (index) page.
I update it almost everyday and hope my tips will help
new container pepper growers. Then, plant a pepper
plant for peace.
Thank you for your time, have a great weekend!
Happy Growing and Peace on Earth,
Rosemary Basil
New Orleans,

Send a Yellow Ribbon for World Peace & Human Rights
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