[CH] Yellow Peppers

Rosemary Basil (rosemarybasil@yahoo.com)
Sun, 11 Apr 1999 14:01:56 -0700 (PDT)

Hi everybody, I'd like to encourage all gardeners to
join me in the Yellow Ribbon Garden Project. 
I  hope gardeners everywhere  will display yellow
ribbons and/or a yellow  ribbon of garden lights in
their gardens to show support and faith for the 
3 p.o.w's and all troops in harm's way. Plant yellow
peppers like ajis and bananas too! Tomatillos have
yellow flowers! Those yellow sticky traps would look 
just fine! I make Voodoo Garden Blessing Stix painted
an acrylic cadmium yellow and put Crisco on them
during whitefly season. (Bacon grease seems to attract
ants here in Nawlins  which carry aphids.)
If you send me a  pic of your garden I'll post it on
the Yellow Ribbons Website so the families will feel
your love. Every vet I talk to tells me how important
this  support is. I got my  lights from Accent Annex
here  in New Orleans for $2 but have to  change out
the green and purple to all yellow. 
If anyone wants their catalog call or order it online.
They sell a lot of  wierd fun holiday stuff not just
Mardi Gras, that you can often use in your 
garden. 1-800-322-2368  Accent Annex, Mardi 
Gras Headquarters! -- Mardi Gras Beads, Masks, and
If anybody has any info on where we can get yellow
lights or bulbs by  catalogue or online, please let us
all know.
Visit my website for more details, and if you have a
webpage, borrow any of  the gifs especially the newest
button, "I have a Yellow Ribbons Garden."
 Tie  a Yellow Ribbon
Thank you for your time!
Grow in peace,
Rosemary Basil
ps. please forward this to any gardeners you may know,
thank you!

Send a Yellow Ribbon for World Peace & Human Rights
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