Re: [CH] Re: Banana, was Hot Stuff Trivia

Calvin Donaghey (
Thu, 15 Apr 1999 18:31:40 -0500

Deb, et al,
I agree with the use of banana.  It is the best I have found except for the
mineral sylvite ( chemical composition KCl ), which also slows it down.
Potassium seems definitely a factor in that case, because sodium chloride
has little effect for me.  Potassium Chloride is the common ingredient in
most of the "salt substitutes".  My partner, also a chile head, gets no
effect at all from potassium, though, so it may also be related to body

On a tangent note- talking about hot sauce and glasses.... anyone besides me
go into a Mexican Food place and respond to "What would you like to drink?"
with  "A glass of Salsa, please." ??

Deb deForest wrote:

> Tangent thought: I just got an image of folks sitting 'round a table
> swirling wine tasting glasses filled with various hot sauces, tasting,
> slurping, spitting in little sterling buckets and then taking a bite of
> banana to cleanse their palates before trying the next glass. Sounds
> like sure fun for a Hot Luck to me -- except we can leave out the
> spittoons there.
> Bananas have also saved a few folks who bit off more than they could
> chew a time or two at my house.  Deb in Houston
> Jim Campbell wrote:
> > One of my firefighters swears by this as well.  We can even make it
> > sound plausible (snip)