[CH] Today's Score...

Sun, 2 May 1999 22:03:16 EDT

Hubby and I walked down to a little street fair this afternoon, and I was 
immediately drawn to a booth selling salsa and BBQ sauce.  They offered a 
taste of sausage with their BBQ sauce, and I was sold!  Great flavor, and 
took at least ten steps down the street for the tongue to stop burning!  
First ingredient is tomato, but second is Arbol Chili, third is Habanero!  
Even hubby (the Rib King) was impressed, so he bought some, $6 for 32 oz. 
bottle.  It's made by a brand new company out here, The Phat Tamale (PHAT for 
Pretty Hot and Tempting).  And they say that two white guys can make killer 
tamales too.  Now I need to go buy some ribs!  They said they going to create 
a web site, but if anyone wants their address send me e-mail, they do mail 
