Re: [CH] Aphid Problem

Robert Farr (
Wed, 19 May 1999 14:33:56 -0400

Here's a recipe from Rodale:

One bulb garlic (a BULB, not a clove)
One medium onion
One teaspoon hot pepper powder
Blend with one quart water
Let steep one day
Strain (cheesecloth is best)
Add one tablespoon dish soap (NOT with Triclosan - found in
anti-bacterial soaps.  AVOID this stuff - it kills plants.  I know from
experience...  I believe it's because it's a 2-4-D derivative...)
Put in squirt bottle and spray
Repeat once/week, as needed
Re-apply if it rains

As with any product, try this on a few leaves first; wait a day to see
if it affects your leaves; then use as above.

In the interim, spray the aphids with a sharp blast of water.  That will
slow them down - knocking many of them off - enough until you can treat
with the spray.
