[CH] Camembert & Habanero sauce

Jim Weller (Jim.Weller@salata.com)
30 May 99 18:43:09 -0800

 -=> Quoting "Wolfgang Deimel" to All <=-

 "D> Toasted white bread with cheese, and sauce poured on it, it's Heaven.
 "D> It  works with my all-time favorite, Melissa's, and also very well with
 "D> Jim's  (thanx thanx thanx!!!). I think it's a bit like a good wine, you
 "D> have some  flavors popping up at the start, and then another ones
 "D> coming out in between,  and then more showing up as an afterthought.
 "D> It's amazing. Check it out. 

Another nice variation is camembert smeared on rye with some chutney, a
slice of tart apple and a sprinkling of your favourite chile powder
blend served open faced.


                                                            YK Jim