[CH] Dehydrator info request

Frank J. Hashek (pepperking@mindspring.com)
Sun, 28 Jun 1998 19:18:24 -0500


>Reply-To: Hank Scorpio <lmason@peg.apc.org>
>Hi fellow CHs
>I'm thinking about getting a food dryer/dehrydrator 

>Chile-Heads could give any advice or experience on Brands or what
>features to look for ???

Mine is an American Harvest, $30ish at Service Merchandise.  Came with fan,
temp control, 2 trays and additional trays may be purchased.

My method is to top and/or split the peppers as appropriate for the depth
of the tray.  I dry at 125-130 degrees (F).  This keeps flavor and color,
but I haven't checked for seed viability.  I store in zip lock bags.

I grind peppers with a mini coffee mill I got for about $12 at WalMart.  I
am careful to not overload it, as I killed one by overloadingit and causing
the blades to stick thus burning out the motor :-(

If you are budget minded, some list members report they are happy with the
results they get in their ovens at the lowest setting.

Enjoy El Grande's bounty,