PegVA et al.: what a coincidence! I've just returned from an extended vacation in TN, and snagged a bottle of Boar's Breath Jalapeno from a Cracker Barrel outside of Savannah GA. Fairly servicable sauce with an interesting recipe for "Boar Burgers". Ok,ok. If I'm off the list please put me back on. Sorry, I've been remiss in checking in with the list for the last month. I have a good excuse, I really do. You see, I got called back into work early and then, of course came the fires (heavens to scorched pecan logs and melted rubber alligators, the freakin' Stuckey's burned down!), so this girl, tired of breathing smoking palmettos caught the light fantastic to Dandridge TN (population: 2). so anyway, put me back on and apologies to all. i'll be more conscientious and prompt. yr obd't servant, Ms. BoleynX