Re: [CH] The Bread and Endorphins

Linda Reynolds (
Mon, 20 Jul 1998 09:37:01 -0400 (EDT)

>Hiccups seem to be a pretty common reaction to overly hot food.

.....I've never had this happen.

>the hiccups start in.  Come to think of it, they don't mention anything
>about endorphins when they stomp off :-)  I don't experience any sort of
>rush from the stuff either.
>-Jim C

....I don't experience any sort of rush either, maybe lightheadedness from
lack of air while panting and gasping for air....wait, maybe that was from
the Twister !

oops, there I go again!

I guess everyone is having their own difficulties with weather and I do
pray for all of you with oppressive heat, fires, and lack of rain.  At
least here in NYS, we have had some benefit to this hot and humid weather
as I have peppers on almost all of my plants and that is around a month
early.  BTW, are there other pepper plants that have fuzzy leaves and stems
other than Serrano?  Each year I end up buying pepper labeled only as "red
chile" and am not sure what they are.  I figured Super Chile or possibly
Serrano but this is the first year that I have noticed the fuzziness.

Well, we are off to another naked week.  Temps in the 90's and more humid
than a rain forest.......
