Having tried a cook off of that 'Cous=Cous Curry', I have a couple of corrections. 1. When you add the ginger and lime, keep a little back for adding at the last moment- this keeps the flavours STRONG. 2. <STIR THE COUS=COUS, OCCASIONAlly>, as it cooks- this will prevent CLOGGING. 3. Don't be afraid of adding too much ginger- some people [wussies !!] say that watching the chile seeds is more important, anyway. P.S. There is a new Soya CREAM out that beautifully replaces the milks- but that's personal taste. "Orrh,. Nursey !! I like 'em [wimmin] big and fruity !! There's so much more to grab hold of !!" [Lord Flashheart, Blackadder II] Andrew Healy URN 3719979