[CH] Re: Need translation

Ashkenaz, Scott (Scott.Ashkenaz@kla-tencor.com)
Wed, 12 Aug 1998 21:53:55 -0700

Judy, here ya go...and just remember, my first language was Spanish...a long
time ago.


(4 people, partly)


10 tortoises
100 grapefruits from Delaware with pasilla chile 
150 grapefruits from Delaware with queasy cream
1/4 light fish roe cream (from Delaware) 
1/4 light fish roe acetate (from Delaware)
A guy named Sal (is he from Delaware?)

Proceed with the pimento:

Remove your divan, put the chile in it, and do the twist.

Sponge remoulade and freeze your Yugo with a little acetate. Cities starting
with Q don't risk much.

Sit under a refractive front and sponge the tortoises. (Before the mint
Fritos, enlarge the acetate with the chiles.)

Sing a Gregorian chant, queasily, and cream Sal if he tries to get sassy.
Recover with the chiles.

If you see an anaconda with a tongue of water, cube the recipient, and put
it in the metal horn at 250 degrees. See ya later. Keds are very precocious.

Client servitude.

I hope that this helps.

scott@you should hear my japanese