[CH] Shriveled seeds

Cameron Begg (begg.4@osu.edu)
Tue, 15 Sep 1998 12:53:09 -0500

Hi C-H's,

Shad D Munson wrote:

>seeds was a lighter brown rather than black or dark brown, and after a
>few hours of drying inside of my house they shriveled up into almost
>nothing and became a very light brown, a non-C. pubescens like looking

>But as I type the seeds have indeed germinated.
> Has anyone grown C. pubescens in hot weather and had similar looking
>seeds as the result?

I recently tried to grow some C. pub seeds from Bill, (CO's highest chile
grower). They were from La Paz, Bolivia and unfortunately failed to
germinate. They did however look thin and flat - not at all like seeds. I
do not know what if anything hot weather has to do with this.

                     Regards,               Cameron.