[CH] Chiles in Alcohol

Ian Sinclair (Ian@directus.co.nz)
Wed, 16 Sep 1998 08:53:01 +1200

After reading the posting about removing chiles in liquor after 3-5 days
to avoid less than savoury flavours, I thought I better extract the 8
sliced scotch bonnets I had floating in a bottle of Absolut for the last
three weeks. The vodka had a pretty good zing, and a reasonably strong
chile flavour. Next time I will extract the chiles earlier and see if
makes a difference to the flavour, I think I would prefer the heat
without so much flavour in vodka.

What was good however were the extracted chiles. These were fairly mild
after their soaking and their flavour was enhanced by the vodka. I seem
to remember a time in my dark past of eating a hole lot of pineapple
floating in a punch and feeling the after effects of the alcohol being
concentrated in the fruit. The chiles seemed to perform the same
function - not at all unpleasant !

In fact I have just had a great idea, anyone tried injecting habs with
vodka ? You could even freeze them and then chew on them as a treat for

Ian Sinclair