[CH] Substitutes for Cilantro

Jacqueline Groot (JacquelineG@em.cortland.edu)
Mon, 21 Sep 1998 15:27:46 -0400

Kim & Others-
One sort-of substitute I've found for fresh cilantro (I haven't tried it
yet) is made by Goya and comes in a jar like their sofrito.  I almost had to
use it once but a friend who lives in a more civilized town was able to
bring me some fresh cilantro from the store there.  It's actually made up
from cilantro and maybe (?) a few other things.  You can't miss it...it's
green.  I can't remember the name and don't have time to search the
web...but I'm willing to bet it will do the trick for *some* recipes.
Anyone used the stuff yet?
Healer of Bland Food