.....eating a late dinner.....stopped abruptly!...eeek, I remember they (there they are again) for possible f..f...f..(I can barely force myself to say the wird)...frost, yikes! Bolt outta the living room....sheets, I'm thinking, gotta get some sheets.....snagged 2 fresh ones out of the laudry basket on my way through the kitchen.....throw open the door and plug in the flood light......brrrrrr, dark and cold already! Mad dash to the chile patch....gotta pick some....gotta cover some....dadbarn it, nothing to put them in....put them in a heap, cover up the babies, some screaming to be picked, some screaming they wanted to stay with friends and family....hoisted up the front of my dress and made a pouch....waddle across the dim lit lawn carrying my stash. Get inside and dump them on the table.......looks the beginning of the end for the garden. Will be getting a few more weeks of on again off again warmth and then frosts....have been blessed tho'......let the drying, powdering, and jerking commence....oops, naw, don't take it out of context! Linda in upstate NY