[CH] Spicy Vege Links

Wed, 14 Oct 1998 11:41:05 -0400

IBC and others

Personally my idea of a 1000 calorie a day spicy diet consists of a simple


5 Bottles of Samuel Adams
3 Ripe Orange Habaneros

Through out the day consume one sliced Habanero for each meal.
If additional heat is desired, red savinas maybe substituted for the orange
Chase each sliced pepper with a bottle of Samuel Adams.
 Any hoppy IPA style microbrew may be substituted for Samuel Adams.
If American Style Beer is preferred substitute 6 bottles of Miller Light.
Consume an additional bottle for an afternoon snack and one for dessert or
as a nightcap.

On a more serious note: My wife is vegetarian and a quick netscape search
for "Spicy Vegetarian" uncovered a wealth of links including some that
actually discussed food.
As most Chile Heads know if you search on Hot or Spicy you dont generally
uncover food related links.
Thus put your search in quotes. Most of the pay per view pages dont include
 the words spicy and vegetarian.


Hot regards,
PT in Va