Re: [CH] Fattening lentils- NOT!

Bret (
Thu, 15 Oct 1998 07:57:42 -0700

{big snip, little snip}
> > 100 grams 350 calories 0.22 calories per gram 1000 calories

> calories ain't calories
> proteins, fats and carbohydrates enzymatically
> (high insulin response) glycemic indexes
{big snip, little snip}

Firstly and mostly off topic;
This is VERY simplified, so please don't flame me. :-)
"Diets" don't work. 4 to 5 small, well-balanced meals a day, combined
with exercise, are the only way to safely lose, and keep off, excess
(beyond what YOUR body needs) weight. Well-balanced means smaller
amounts of saturated fats (fatty beef, butter, whole milk), more
vegetables (especially chiles as they are high in vitamins and fiber),
more rice and potatoes, less pasta and a glass of water with every meal.
And exercise. Even a small amount helps with digestion and the burning
of excess high calories.
Try adding some roasted-peeled-seeded chopped chiles to your favorite
stuffed baked potato recipe, or curried rice with jicama (or water
chestnuts) and a large glass of water. Very filling.

On topic;
Just finished drying about half of the last of my jalepenos. It's
getting dangerously close to frosting here, so it's time to build a
small greenhouse around the plants to see if they survive the winter.
I'm thinking about cutting them back (they're about 5 feet tall) and
enclosing the whole planter in plastic on a simple frame. Any
suggestions why I should/shouldn't?

"Not a shred of evidence exists in favor of the idea that life is
Brendan Gill