RE: [CH] Fattening lentils- NOT!

Rain (
Fri, 16 Oct 1998 07:55:54 GMT

->  This is NOT a flame, certainly, but high-carbohydrate,
-> low-protein, low-fat diets do not work and are unhealthful.
Depends on the person; this isn't meant as a flame either, but I think
you have greatly overgeneralized here. 
-> * Eat wild leafy greens such as purslane, dandelion, 
->  and lambs quarters. 
Good idea IF you're careful where you get them from.  Pollution and
pesticides are serious factors in wildcrafting.    
-> * Eat grains only in moderation, if at all. If you must, 
->  choose whole grains. 
Overgeneralized, surely.  All those white-rice-eating Asians and Indians
can't be wrong, and many people *do* get and stay healthy on a
grain-based diet.
-> * Do not eat dairy products except small amounts of 
->  cultured products such as yogurt and cheese. 
Greatly overgeneralized.  Not everyone needs to spend h/er
time worrying about cholesterol; vegetarians and people with the
low-cholesterol gene can get away with quite a lot of dairy without
a rise.  I'm a vegetarian, for instance; I drink milk, cook with milk,
and eat cheese, yogurt and ice cream, and my cholesterol runs right 
around 160.  Nor do I have the other dire problems predicted by
some anti-dairy literature.  I probably do have some elevated
pesticide levels, but they are rather more likely to have come from the
lean meat and poultry I used to eat (and that you recommend as healthy)
than from milk.
-> * Do not add salt to your foods. If you must, use a 
->  lite salt which is a mixture of sodium and 
->  potassium salts. 
Somewhat behind the research.  Recent studies says that avoiding salt
isn't important for the majority of people; the only group that must do
so has the *specifically sodium-dependent form* of hypertension.  
Different strokes for different folks; one set of nutritional rules
just does not fit all.
Keep on rockin',