[CH] GOOD cornbread

Doug Irvine (dirvin@bc.sympatico.ca)
Fri, 16 Oct 1998 09:49:30 -0700

OK Dwarf...here is what I did last night...first off, the chile:
1 1/2 lbs boneless pork loin,cut in cubes
1	7oz can La Costena green chile salsa
1	7oz can "     "    serranno chiles
1	15 oz can Mexican tomatoes, such as Rotel
1	28 oz can red kidney beans
1	28 oz can Black beans
Jim Campbells smoky hab powder, as much as you can stand! First brown
the meat cubes in a little olive oil, add the green chile salsa, turn
off stove and let it sit all day, and all night as well. Next day,
re-heat the mess, add the other chiles, and the beans, drained, and hold
the tomatoes. Let cook for about two hours on simmer, then mix some
flour with the juice from the tomatoes, and shake in a shake jar, add
the tomatoes to the chile, cook some more, and add the thickener. Adjust
seasoning, salt, freshly ground black pepper(all the stuff the kooks say
is bad for you)and more heat if not hot enough, I add the hab powder to
the meat, first, then adjust the heat later at the end.
SERVE with this corn bread:
1	cup cornmeal
1	cup flour
1	tbls baking powder
1	tsp salt
1	tsp cumin
1	cup grated cheddar(old)
1	4oz can jalapenos chopped 
2	tbls minced or finely chopped onion
1 1/4 cups of buttermilk
1/3 cup vegetable oil
2	eggs
1	tbls bacon drippings
Pre heat oven to 375 F Melt bacon drippings in 9 " cast iron skillet
Combine the cornmeal, flour, baking powder & salt in a mixing bowl.Stir
in the cheese and chiles. Separately beat together the milk, eggs and
oil, and stir in the dry ingredients until moistened, then pour batter
into hot pan and bake at 375 F for 30 - 35 minutes.
Doug in BC