RE: [CH] Hot Sauce

Pieters, Rob (
Tue, 18 Apr 2000 16:58:44 +0100

 Garry wrote;
 I can't help, haven't seen that one - but, I've got a gift 
 bottle of "Batch 
 #114 Jamaican Hot Sauce" does anyone know about this stuff?
If this is a small bottle with a picture of a red and a yellow scott bonnet
on the label than I have that one two.
Its one of my favorites, it's very good when you want to add heat without
having the taste of the sauce overwhelming your dish.
(sometimes I like that to but than I use something else)
I don't have the bottle here with me but I do know that there is also a note
on the bottle that you can get a free recipe book but you have to send a SAE
to the company... doesn't work for where I live...

Rob NL