Re: [CH] hotluck attendance (was Austin)
Mon, 24 Apr 2000 19:17:32 GMT

At 10:55 PM 4/22/00 PDT, Alex Silbajoris wrote:
>>From: "David Cook" <>
>>Fortunately we had non-list chileheads and chilehead wannabes to add to the
>A question to all who have attended or hosted hotlucks - does it seem that 
>for every chilehead/organizer in attendance, there are many people who never 
>had any idea that hot pepper eaters are organized?  They see an event 
>centered around peppers, and they come forth - darn, it's almost like we are 
>unwitting evangelists.  Or perhaps I should say we do it without trying, 
>because the people are ready.

I've found that at many internet organized gatherings, from ChileHeads to 
FoodWine and several BBQ related lists that there are 2 main groups:  First, 
the subscribers, who immediately pick up on threads and conversations familiar 
to those on the lists with each other like they've been lifetime buddies, even 
if this was the first time they met in person.  Second is the group of bemused 
significant others, spouses, friends, family, who have been dragged along and 
try to make heads or tails of this "Internet thing," but generally don't 
hesitate to enjoy the goodies and company.  Some of the latter group have even 
been encouraged to subscribe on their own...

                    =Mark "Runs With Scissors" Stevens

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