[CH] That chile thing has run its course

Alex Silbajoris (asilbajo@hotmail.com)
Tue, 16 May 2000 20:39:56 PDT

Yesterday, Linda and I were browsing a fabric store.  While we were there 
anyway, we asked whether they had any chile pepper print fabric.  The sales 
lady said no, that chile pepper thing ran its course a while ago and they 
don't get it in anymore.

So I guess this is it, we can close the list now and go back to blandness 
... not.

One thing, though - if chiles were a quick fashion among the general public, 
what portion of those people actually tasted them, liked them, and joined 
the C-H world?

Sorta OT - spot the Zanesville chile platter at


- A
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