Fwd: Subject: [CH] whitefly problems

Thu, 25 May 2000 18:31:11 EDT

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From: Fiskenh@aol.com
Full-name: Fiskenh
Message-ID: <a4.4c683a0.265d97d7@aol.com>
Date: Wed, 24 May 2000 16:38:47 EDT
Subject: Re: Subject: [CH] whitefly problems
To: owner-chile-heads-digest@globalgarden.com
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Simon Briggs <briggs@clara.co.uk> said

<< Try growing marigolds near the plants - that'll stop all aphids attacking 
 them. Or spray your chile plants with really weak soapy water - that works 
 a treat. >>

I am growing French Marigolds (Tagetes) round my tomato plants (San Marzano 
and Tigerella) for that purpose - I just popped some seeds in once I'd potted 
the plants up. I have also heard that crushing up a garlic clove in a 
spray-bottle of water, and then spraying this on your plants, will keep 
aphids away (cats too!). I use my dish-washing water on my garden (reluctant 
to try on my tomatoes and chile plants!) and don't get alot of bother from 

I am a newbie Chile-head - I have five plants, four of which I've grown from 
seed (don't know what they are yet as they came from a "Caribbean blend") and 
one which came from a garden centre labelled as Hot Chile Pepper (the picture 
is long and red!). A few years ago I had some Birds Eye chile plants grown 
from seed, but this year I decided to go chile-mad - I've found so much 
helpful stuff on here, I'm really grateful!

Norfolk, UK
