> "50% shade cloth" sounds to be. Would someone please tell me a little bit > about this, or if there might be something better suited to my purposes? Hi Folks, I delayed answering your note as I was waiting until I go into town to check the information about shade cloth. It is sold at garden centres and stores like KMart here. Most sold here is imported from Australia where it is popular for putting over outdoor patios ect to take some of the sting out of the strong sun. It is normally 2 metres wide (6.5 ft) and is in a range of density and colours to give a reduction of the suns rays. Also the quality varies in that the better quality is woven. I cannot remember the price as I bought it several years ago. It should be available in the USA I would think. All this is from memory but I will get a brochure if I can and copy it for you if you wish. Tony Flynn Grandad. Retired at the beach. Bay of Plenty. New Zealand. Where the sun has disappeared today after a spell of Autumn sunshine.