Re: [CH] Re: Chiles In Bottles

wing (
Fri, 23 Jun 2000 12:00:04 +0100

>Sorry to report:
>Actually his job is being replaced by a new type of glass processing facility that takes a full
>grown chile, holds it in the mold and then injects the liquefied glass around the chile.  This
>prevents contamination from the outside environment, undesirably small or imperfect chilies from
>being bottled.  The new process is in the experimental stages at the present time and has had the
>most success bottling Chipotle beer, as the hot glass tends to cook and slightly toast the chilies
>as the process occurs. There are some newer technologies being tried with water glass where heat
>is not generated in the forming process.  Stay tuned for further developments..

Thanks for reminding me about the job losses expected in our industry, just when I'd thought of the
perfect job (8hrs a day working with chiles and beer) technology comes along and dumps on us yet

Now, if only I could think of a way of getting a bottle of beer inside a chile !!!!!! mmmm

