RE: [CH] [Re] Daves Private reserve

Mary & Riley (
Fri, 21 Jul 2000 19:07:33 -0700


Until I ran out I was using a product called "Concern Insect Killing Soap".
It's a potassium soap.  Nothing else in it.  Worked great on white flies.

Sold by Necessary Organics, Inc, New Castle Virginia.  Don't recall where it
came from locally (LA).

Think the mistake I made, other than believing the label, was to use
_detergent_ as opposed to soap.

Like I said, it devastated my chiles and tomatoes, but they seem to be
coming back strong.  I sprayed them with compost tea 2 days ago and it
seemed to really boost new leaf growth.  Still, it really set them back.  Ce
la vie!  At least I learned someting!  :-|

The aji amarillos, rocotos, mushroom and a manzana (which I thought was c.
pubescens, but doesn't look like it) seemed particularly more resistant to
harm.  A lot the others lost all their leaves, specially jalapeņos and
cayennes, although the ones from last year held up better.  But they all
show new leaf growth.  The only hab I have did fairly well.


> I had the same thing happen with liquid dish soap, trashed all my
> Jalps and Habs at the beginning of the season. I don't know what
> did more damage the aphids or the soap.
>   Does anyone have a recommendation for a true, tried and tested
> product that they have had luck with? The little white @#$%#$'s
> are starting to re-appear. I don't need another setback this season.
> Ron.
> In a message dated Wed, 19 Jul 2000  5:20:58 PM Eastern Daylight
> Time, Mary & Riley <> writes:
> << Just a word of caution on the detergent--I ran out of
> Insecticidal Soap the
> other day so used some liquid laundry detergent.  Label said it's
> great for
> plants, so I used it (2 tbsp/gal).  Devastated my tomatoes and chiles.
> About 50% of the plants lost their leaves, although new ones are forming.
> Really set them back.