[CH] Re:Harvest green?

Calvin Donaghey (gdonaghey@bitstreet.com)
Tue, 08 Aug 2000 08:49:31 -0500

I prefer fully ripe pods of almost every type, but some are good green, too.
Green tepins and serranos have a much different flavor than ripe.  Try some of
each to see which you like best.  There are three different conditions I see:
mature green, just ripening, and ripe.  Ripe is sweeter and richer, but the
seeds are hard. Pods that are just ripening have elements of sweetness and
snappy green flavor.
It also depends on what you plan to use them for.  A good salsa does well with
green pods.

Imagator wrote:

> I am rather new at growing serranos, are they normally harvested green? as
> opposed to letting them turn?, I am growing a purple serrano this year and
> of course one wouldn't know it was purple if picked green. That bring up
> another question which I saw on another list i.e. what chiles if any should
> be harvested green?, it even seems sweet peppers are more flavorful if
> allowed to turn. What do the members of the list think?.
> Charlie