[CH] RE: Hunan Hand remedies

Sat, 19 Aug 2000 13:35:26 EDT

Using these things such as WD40 and concotions of turpentine sound a little 
complicated.  Not to mention Im not too sure that these are the greatest 
things to use on your skin.  I plan on eating after I'm done prepping chiles.

I just use gloves, such as latex surgical type gloves, or non latex ones are 
available.  Even dishwashing gloves work.  I keep a box in the kitchen.  No 
muss no fuss. 

Bob Johnson
San Diego, CA

<<<Subject: [CH] New hunan hand remedy? (was WD-40)

This thread gives me an idea...  
You can buy powerful handcleaners 
that is used by auto mechanics etc (no idea what brands are available 
outside of Sweden). 
Try this at home, pods:
Pour a little turpentine in a jar. ..etc etc .....replace the turpentine with 
cooking oil.

It works like a charm for cleaning greasy hands, but question is, 
would it be effective as a remedy for hunan hand?

Why don't you try it and report back. Well, *I* will do it as soon as 
I need it, not as a deliberate experiment...   ;)
