Re: [CH] When are they ripe?

Brent Thompson (
Tue, 22 Aug 2000 08:21:56 -0700

> So - what is the best sign of ripeness?

The ultimate sign of ripeness, of course, is for the chile to be fully
colored with its final ripe coloration, and still shiny and full (not yet
wrinkling from drying).

But when a chile just begins to turn red (or yellow or orange or whatever
its final ripe color will be), that is the sign now is the last moment to
pick it while still green, if you are wanting to pick it while green.

Before the point when it is just beginning to turn color, while it is still
completely green (or black or white or whatever the immature color of that
variety is), only experimentation by taste-test will teach you to recognize
when your particular type of chile is at the stage of ripeness you prefer.

 ---   Brent