[CH] birthday

Emile & Dewi (e.steenbrink@worldonline.nl)
Tue, 29 Aug 2000 23:30:44 +0200

Hi Pods,

Well, it's that time of the year again. I'm going to get older again. The
Big 2-5! Yes, I'll be turning 25, September 2nd. This year will be full of
homegrown peppers and lots of hot sauces. It's great to be a CH.
The weather is turning cold here in Holland and I'm thinking of bringing in
my plant so they can ripen indoors, but where am I going to stash 27
plants?!?! Decisions, decisions!
I harvested some more peppers and I bought a little book with lots of
Tex-Mex recipes. Looks really good and they'll put my peppers to good use.
I walked by a store today and noticed little pepper plants standing outside
the door. I walked in to make sure they were capsicum. The lady told me they
were, but the defenitely couldn't be eaten! Again I got confused, but I
trust the CH, so I know all Caps are eadible (I hope?!) But they looked
pretty, but I didn't buy them. My bag was full. Bummer.
Well, that was my news for today. Chile out and eat hot.

Miss Dewi