Re: [CH] Garfield Comic Followup
Wed, 20 Sep 2000 18:43:11 GMT

At 12:24 PM 9/20/00 -0500, McWilliams, Dan wrote:
>>>Brad Ellis [] wrote to me:
>>>I posted this comic at on Sunday.
>>>From what I can find on the site, the comic should be
>>>for purchase in about a week.
>So, there you go for anyone  would like to see that Garfield strip. Thanks,
>Brad. By the way, does anyone have any seeds for that "Peruvian Death

Is that related to the Guatamalan Insanity Chile that sends Homer over the top 
in the Chili Cookoff episode of The Simpsons?

                    =Mark "Runs With Scissors" Stevens

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                                                          Yeah?  What exit?