[CH] hot foods and kids

Jim Weller (Jim.Weller@salata.com)
01 Oct 00 10:32:51 -0800

 -=> Quoting "scott eggimann" to All <=-

 "e> My parents never let me eat hot foods until I got older.  Something
 "e> about the "heat" ruining my taste buds so that when I got older,
 "e> nothing would taste good unless there was a lot of heat added.  I'm
 "e> using this same thinking with my kids, anybody have any thoughts on
 "e> giving hot food to kids? 

Continued exposure to capsaicin desensitizes the tongue to capsaicin's
heat but not to flavour, so fear not. Let the kids indulge if they are
so inclined.

                                                Jim in Yellowknife