Re: [CH] Chile-Heads another bottle of hot sauce? why not!
Wed, 18 Oct 2000 18:21:02 EDT

Not only does hubby buy just another hot sauce, but I always say YES to him.  
I make him   and our son a Hot Basket for Christmas.  When I travel I search 
for new hot sauces "for Him" :-)  Even in Chile and Argentina where the 
pickins were mightily slim.  I found a great hot sauce shop at the airport in 
Greensboro, NC as well as a few at the Dallas Airport.  In fact the last time 
in Dallas they had the Red Eye Habanaro Mix on sale.  The clerk thought I was 
crazy as I bought them all!  I had seen them on my way in a few days earlier 
so I had an empty roll on.

Funny thing about the security at the Greensboro Airport--they had to check 
my hot sauce to make sure the seal hadn't been broken????  Something about 
checking for alcohol they said.  I told them it was hot sauce not a bomb, but 
probably could blow someone up.....they couldn't stop laughing
