Re: [CH] Endorphin Rush (
Wed, 25 Oct 2000 04:56:20 -0800

The pepper extract in Endorphin Rush is neither pure capsaicin or hab
extract.  The capsaicin most likley comes from plain old paprika (since
many thousands of lbs are grown and processed) or tabasco.  It doesn't
much matter from which chile it comes from.  You aren't buying
'concentrated hab flavor'.  Pure Cap (not to be confused with the foul
tasting sauce of the same name) technical grade, would be about
16,000,000 Scoville Units.

Yes- there are many out there hotter than Endorphin Rush (and better
flavored).  I make one at least as hot (Backdraft), and two (Vicious
Viper for and UnBEARable for me) that are significantly

Tolerance IS an individual thing.

-Jim C
Mild to Wild