[CH] Re: recipes, cranberries

Alex Silbajoris (asilbajo@hotmail.com)
Mon, 20 Nov 2000 12:54:16 GMT

>From: raincrone@juno.com

>What's the consensus these days as
>to whether it's okay/welcome/whatever to post several recipes here at

I vote for posting them individually as you can give each one its own 
subject line that way.  It makes it easier to find when someone goes back 
through the archives searching for a particular name or ingredient.

As for the cranberries, I'll be playing with those for the first time this 
year.  I've always watched Mom combine them with orange pieces and a lot of 
sugar in a very heavy pot, and cook it down.  I'll try something similar, 
but as I'mm cooking for the family I can't make the main batch hot.  I'll 
split out my own portion for that.  So now I'm wondering, wondering, of all 
the pepper heat variations I know, which would go best with that 
cranberry/citrus base.  I can imagine some good candidates, like a smoky 
chipotle or maybe a clean-burning aji limon.

Last night we had my birthday party at my parents' house, and Mom made a 
nice paella.  I was sprinkling red powder on it, and Mom was scoffing as 
usual, and I sang "It's my party and I'll cry if I want to.."

- A

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