[CH] Soaking beans

Jim Weller (Jim.Weller@salata.com)
24 Nov 00 07:19:31 -0800

 -=> Quoting Chad A Gard to All <=-

 > BTW -- if you eat beans often enough, you body builds up enzymes to
 > break down the fiber more efeciently and gas isn't a problem.

 CAG> Also, if you soak them overnight, rather than "quick soak" them,
 CAG> gas is less of a problem.

Since beans are often used as a chile delivery system, this is almost on
topic. <G>. I take it another step further with good results. I soak
white navy beans up to four days, changing water daily. The results are
fresh tasting, gas free and quick cooking. The beans have almost
sprouted, are completely re-hydrated and the indigestible complex sugars
have been broken down into simple sugars. I also soak split peas and
lentils etc for one to two days for the same reasons.

                                                Jim in Yellowknife