[CH] Re: Thai Eggplants

Luke Speer (lukasz@midcoast.com.au)
Sun, 03 Dec 2000 22:23:51 +1100

fragrantgarden wrote:

> Luke
> A local herb grower  has started to make the litllle eggplanats you first
> gave me.
> They call them "Thai Eggplants" I have described them not very well as:
> ""New & rare in Australia
> Baby eggplants the size of a big marble ("Bonkers?").
> Very easy to grow and produces heaps of fruit.""
> Any suggestions on how to use them or anything else?

I'll Ask Tip which dishes she uses them in, From memory they are fairly bitter,
I didn't keep any seeds for myself so I will have to get some more from her..
He may wish to ask the Thai restaurants down there as well..
I have seem these up this way at either Coles or Woolworths Supermarkets some
time ago, but they were never offered again..

On Topic I have had a bad run with Stem rot in My Chiles and have lost lots
more than I care to, I have resorted to using Fongarid 250wp systemic fungicide
to try and save what I can. 250g/kg Furalaxyl../Ciba Geigy /10g pack of 5
sachets cost me $7.00AUS
My Tepins are just sitting there, still the same size they were 8 months ago, 3
inches high ?? I will be getting new seed from the USA at Christmas when my
mother returns..
Do you have an Adress for the Manutec Fertilser people as I can not get this up
here at all...

Luke up Norte

Work is the curse of the drinking classes.