[CH] Re: Thai Eggplants

fragrantgarden (fragrantgarden@fastlink.com.au)
Tue, 5 Dec 2000 16:23:22 +1100

>On Topic I have had a bad run with Stem rot in My Chiles and have lost lots
>more than I care to, I have resorted to using Fongarid 250wp systemic
>to try and save what I can. 250g/kg Furalaxyl../Ciba Geigy /10g pack of 5
>sachets cost me $7.00AUS
Yates just sent me a new ""Natural Fungacide" We have been having lots of
problems too.
 A really healthy habanero just not comming out of winter.
 If i can find your address I'll send you some of this fungacide
>My Tepins are just sitting there, still the same size they were 8 months
>ago, 3
>inches high ?? I will be getting new seed from the USA at Christmas when my
>mother returns..
>Do you have an Adress for the Manutec Fertilser people as I can not get
>this up
>here at all...
Will look they are in SA

Michael Bailes, The Fragrant Garden, Portsmouth Road, Erina. N.S.W. 2250
Australia. (OZ); International fax 61 243 651979          Phone02 4367 7322
Web page at: http://www.fragrantgarden.com.au/
 Email: <fragrantgarden@fastlink.com.au>
"Everyone over 40 is responsible for their own face."