Re: [CH] Soaking beans

Jim Weller (
11 Dec 00 07:48:47 -0800

 -=> Quoting to All <=-

 jw> the seeds actually start to germinate; not only do they convert
 jw> complex sugars to simple ones but the vitamin B content goes up
 jw> eightfold.

 ra> Well, I can always use more B vitamins, but I don't want (and most of
 ra> us don't need) more simple sugars.  _Ay, chinga._  :)

Not to worry; they never get that sweet. The germination just gets rid
of the complex carbohydrates we can't digest that make gas.

MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.05
      Title: Bigilla
 Categories: Maltese, Beans, Dips, Chilies
      Yield: 4 Servings
    450 g  Dried broad beans
      1    Chili pepper *
      1 tb Mixed chopped herbs
           (marjoram and mint)
           Crushed garlic
      1 tb Olive oil
           Salt and Pepper
  * This is the part where we get creative! <G>

  A traditional dish that is still occasionally sold in country villages
  by street vendors or in supermarkets. It is a must in any restaurant
  offering Maltese food. It is really a dip best eaten with a galletta
  (round shaped, hard baked biscuit).
  The dried beans should be soaked for at least twelve hours. Clean
  thoroughly, put in fresh water, add salt and bring to boil. Simmer
  until beans are tender. It is best to have ready boiling water to add
  if necessary. This depends on how old the beans are. When ready drain.
  Mash the beans and add the other ingredients.

  From: Rikku Dikku

                                                Jim in Yellowknife