[CH] Rocoto K-Marto?

Dave Anderson (Chilehead@tough-love.com)
Sat, 27 Jan 2001 21:55:26 -0800

I was at the land of the blue light special (Super K-Mart) in Carson 
City Nevada today. They have a US Post Office which is open on 
Saturdays, Sundays and holidays. On my way back to get some 
milk I checked out the produce section. Right next to the 
Habaneros were some strange looking peppers. I looked up at the 
sign and it said Manzano. No question about it, these were 
rocotos. They were starting to get a little old, but I grabbed a few 
decent ones, brought them home, cut them up and they are now in 
the dehydrator. I saved the seeds of course:-) They are a yellowish 
orange (peach?) color, not yellow or red as I'm used to seeing.

I asked the produce guy where they came from and he said he 
thought they were from Mexico. He said they'd been carrying them 
for a couple of months. I should wander through the produce 
department more often:-)

Before I hacked them up I took a picture. If you are interested it's 
at: http://www.tough-love.com/rocoto_manzano.jpg. It was getting 
dark so I had to use the flash which caused them to look a little 
shinier than they are, but the colors are fairly true.

Dave Anderson