[CH] quick questions

Jim Weller (Jim.Weller@salata.com)
13 Mar 01 23:57:53 -0800

 * Crossposted from: Internet Email

 -=> Quoting martillo@t-online.de to jim weller <=-

 ma>>> "Sibirische Hauspaprika", (Sibirian house pepper ?)

 jw>> Does that mean it is somewhat frost or at least cold resistant?

 ma> No ! It is not cold resistant!
 ma> But it grows good in a windowsill.
 ma> Pedro 

Awwww. Too bad. I dream of a frost resistant pepper. (My spring, summer
and fall are all crammed into just a brief 90 day period.)

Thanks for the tip though; I will keep my open for seeds. A guy can't
have too many varieties.

Jim in Yellowknife