Re: [CH] Tabasco Sauce (tm)
Wed, 28 Mar 2001 08:19:56 -0700

><I feel a rant coming on...>
>There seems to be a minority on the mailing list that won't eat anything but
>habaneros: habanero salsa, habanero sauce, habanero cookies, habanero cheese
>cake, habanero egg salad, habanero ice creame, habanero stuffed habanero
>with habanero cream cheese and a side order of habanero dipping sauce served
>with a chilled glass of habanero cabernet... habanero, habanero, habanero,
>habanero. It's like that Monty Python SPAM sketch. While I respect the heat
>of the noble hab, I also like other pepper flavors and heat levels too.
>I got a huge rash-of-shit when I asked about the heat-less jalapenos. You'd
>think I'd walked into a Southern Baptist convention and suggested that Jesus
>was an alien (not my metaphor, I borrowed it from a friend). I thought this
>was the chile-head board, not the habanero-head board. Isn't the point of
>this group to discuss all things chile?
>A lot of people say they don't like the taste of jalapenos, or Tabasco, or
>that mild peppers are evil, ok fine, that's your opinion, well here's my
>next blasphemy: I think habaneros taste like feet, and nasty unclean
>fungus-y feet at that. Their only saving grace is their heat. The flavor is
>fine when used to augment or contrast other flavors, but by themselves
>they're just plain nasty.

Personally, *most* feet, if properly washed, scrubbed, and ministered 
to, taste quite yummy!  Of course, I've a penchant towards shrimping 
myself, so...

But anyway - when I replied to the question about heatless jalapenos, 
my intent was to <1> express my horror at the idea of a jalapeno 
(which by it's very nature is "hot") being non-hot, and <2> express 
such in a humorous way.  I may have failed on both counts.  But that 
was to avoid getting into a discussion of why people, IMO, should 
shun chiles (or any seeds/plants) that could hypothetically wreak 
havoc upon existing "true" varieties of chiles.

My case in point would not be a heatless jalapeno, it would be that 
of GMO corn varieties, such as StarLink corn.  Such varieties require 
strict growing measures to "ensure" genetic drift does not occur. 
Unfortunately, the ONLY way to ensure there is no genetic drift from 
ANY variety of plant is to completely isolate it (assuming one can 
isolate a plant 100%) or even better, disallow such plant/seed to 
grow in the first place.

But why get into such a rant?  If one desires no-heat jalapenos, I 
would ask if one has not tried various types of bell pepper?  I find 
the taste, and particularly the aftertaste, of bells and jalapenos to 
be very similar, i.e. i'm not particularly fond of either.  The 
bottem line to many of these situations concerning flora/fauna is 
while XXX may be possible, is XXX worth the risk it may pose to 
Nature in general?  Are the "lives" of few worth the "lives" of many? 
(apply this to plants, animals, and more).

I would say no.  In fact, I demand such.

But drifting back to CH *roasted* jalapenos and bell 
peppers, well, we're talkin' a different talk, mon...that's good 

Lastly (promise), as to one's personal choices/desires, my viewpoint 
has always been and forever will be: do as one wants with my 
blessings...until it may interfere with *my* life (or anyone elses 
life) and/or if it ain't consensual to all concerned.  Put it this 
way: if I'm growing my serranos (which are actually my favorite chile 
- habs, scotch bonnets, and others all following, yes) and somehow, 
someway over generations they seem to be loosing their heat, and I 
discover someone has been growing "heatless chiles" nextdoor, well, I 
can guarantee that late at night, disaster will strike my neighbors 
chiles...probably in the form of a flamethrower.

It's sorta like while one may have the liberty to walk around his/her 
property naked as momma made ya, you may be visually offensive to 
neighbors, thus you build a fence or don some garments...or do like 
me and wander around nekkid late at night...looking for heatless 
chile patches to torch...

Time for class....all in good humor...and as has been this old Monk's 
experience, while some flamin' do occur on this list, CH's are by 
*far* the most tolerant, good-natured, and humourous folks about...

Peace, Hendrix, and Chiles.......
