Hi, about 3 weeks ago, I started growing 5 varieties of chili seeds in small (3-4 inch) pots. Almost all of them have now germinated and are about 2 inches high. All of them are still covered with cellophane to help the process of germination. When should I move them to bigger pots, what size should the new pots be, and is there anything I need to do to the soil (thoroughly water them or similar) when I repot them? Thanks in advance for your help, Klaus ------------------------------------------------------- Klaus Schwienhorst Language Modules Co-ordinator Centre for Language and Communication Studies Arts Building Trinity College Dublin 2 Ireland Phone: Ireland +1 6083525 FAX: Ireland +1 6772694 Email: kschwien@tcd.ie MOO: Klaus at CLCS Campus (http://kontakt.tcd.ie:8000) Homepage: http://www.tcd.ie/CLCS/assistants/kschwien.html -------------------------------------------------------